Scoring System
Our System
0 - 49 Unquestionably terrible! Should be stored in industrial drums.
50 - 69 Hillbilly moonshine. May be drinkable when desperate.
70 - 74 Drinkable but seriously flawed.
75 - 79 Drinkable but somewhat flawed.
80 - 84 Enjoyable, mostly unflawed, some character
85 - 89 Delicious, unflawed, robust character
90 - 94 Delicious, Exquisite, potent character
95 - 99 Superstar Whisky
100 “The best thing I ever put in my mouth!"
M Jackson’s Scoring System
50's - These in all fairness were probably not meant to be bottled as a single malt. Lacking balance and character
60's - Suggest enjoyable but unexceptional malt
70's - Anything in 70’s especially beyond 75 is well worth tasting
80's - Distinctive and exceptional
90's - The truly great malts
Alternative Scoring System (Jim Murray)
0 -50 Nothing short of absolutely diabolical.
51-64 Nasty and well worth avoiding.
65-69 Very unimpressive indeed.
70-74 Usually drinkable but do not expect the earth to move.
75-79 Average and usually pleasant though sometimes flawed.
80-84 Good whisky worth trying.
85-89 Very good to excellent whisky definitely worth buying.
90-93 Brilliant.
94-97 Superstar whisky that gives us all a reason to live.
98-100 Better than anything I have ever tasted!